CAEH 2023
Keynote Speeches & Plenaries
Concurrent Sessions
Thank you to all the fantastic presenters without whom the National Conference on Ending Homelessness would not be possible.
Please click on the stream names below to view the session video recordings and PDF presentations available for each stream.
AWH A Way Home – Youth Homelessness Prevention
AWH1 The Underpinnings of Dedicated Youth Strategies!
- AWH1_York Regions Youth Strategy Why it is Important to be Involved in Your Community_21
- AWH1_Making the Prevention Shift in Québec Prévention Itinérance Jeunesse_126
AWH2 Tailoring responses to the diversity of youth we are serving
- AWH2_Youth Homelessness and Sexual Exploitation Interventions and Prevention_84
- AWH2_Unlocking Collaborative Pathways to End Rural Youth Homelessness_187
AWH3 EDI approaches within our work and what we can learn
- AWH3_Affirming Acceptance Effective practices for FNS work with 2SLGBTQIA Identifying Young People_250
- AWH3_Evaluation of the Blue Door INNclusion Supportive Housing Program for 2SLGBTQ Youth_380
AWH4 Re-thinking shelter and housing for youth
- AWH4_Innovative Practices in Emergency Youth Shelter_276
- AWH4_Preventing Discharge to No Fixed Address – Youth NFA-Y_175
- AWH4_Shelter Diversion in Six Canadian Communities A Paradigm Shift for Youth Homelessness Prevention_39
AWH5 Choice, Voice and Ceremony in housing for youth
ARH Accelerating Reductions in Chronic Homelessness
ARH1 Responses Towards Ending Chronic Homelessness
- ARH1_Person-Centered Aftercare Planning for People Transitioning from Chronic Homelessness Into Housing Lessons Learned from the Beyond Housing Care Conference Table_135
- ARH1_Reframing Recovery and Housing First Strategies for Homelessness Solutions_310
- ARH1_System Enhancements Responding to Increases in Chronic & Unsheltered Homelessness in Waterloo Region_272
ARH2 Federal Action Research on Chronic Homelessness (ARCH)
- ARH2_Action Research on Chronic Homelessness Initiative Driving improvements through collaborative action research_370
- ARH2_Driving Innovation and Advancing Reconciliation through Governmental and Indigenous Collaboration_214
- ARH2_The ARCH Project Action Research on Chronic Homelessness in Edmonton – Embedding R&D in Systems Change_281
ARH3 Preventing Chronic Homelessness
- ARH3_Eviction Prevention and Housing Stability A Case Study of Rent Banks in BC_239
- ARH3_Financial Footholds in Changing Landscapes Evolution of the Supported Referrals program in St. John’s, NL_106
- ARH3_Supported Referral An Upstream Housing Intervention to Reduce Chronic Homelessness_196
ARH4 Evolving Practices in Coordinated Access Systems
- ARH4_Coordinated Access Resilience in a Changing System_53
- ARH4_Coordinated Access Where Would We Be Without It & the Need for Continuous Improvement_393
- ARH4_Implementing Coordinated Access in Smaller Communities Across Canada_164
ARH5 Using Data to End Homelessness
CA Campaigning and Advocacy
CA2 Government Relations and Policy
CA3: Philanthropy, Data and Storytelling
- CA3_Big gifts, small shops Introduction to major gifts_90
- CA3_Unlocking the Grantmaking Code Strategies for Successful Homelessness Sector Funding_390
- CA3_You’re probably lying about homelessness_80
CA4 Engaging Lived Experts in Advocacy and Campaigns
- CA4_Knowledge mobilization, scholarship translation and adapting to your audience Transforming your research to engage and persuade_146
- CA4_See The Person Changing the Narrative on Homelessness Through Public Education_139
CA5 Advocacy Across Communities
COH Canadian Observatory on Homelessness – Research and Policy
COH1 The Role of Data in Measuring Progress and Adapting Solutions
- COH1_Better Data for Ending Homelessness Lessons from the Winnipeg Street Census_332
- COH1_Everyone Counts 2020-2022 – Findings from the Nationally Coordinated Point-in-Time Counts_122
- COH1_National State of Homelessness_133
COH2 Learning from New Approaches to Homelessness and Housing Support
- COH2_Developing a Successful Canadian Rent Bank Model for Eviction Prevention international lessons in promising practices_73
- COH2_Seeing in Colour Towards a Framework to Address Anti-Black Racism in Housing and Homelessness_78
COH3 Innovative Solutions for Improving the Success of Local Homelessness Systems
- COH3_A Review of Coordinated Access with Community-level Experts_193
- COH3_Evaluating Lessons Learned from Durham Regions Community Hub Model for Homeless and Vulnerable Populations_224
- COH3_Its complicated Mapping the Field of Homelessness_94
COH4 Lessons from Homelessness Responses in Rural Areas and Small and Medium-Sized Cities
- COH4_Homelessness Prevention Plans in Small Canadian cities An analysis of problems prospects and insight into comparative analysis across small Canadian cities_161
- COH4_Humanizing the Data through Service-based Counts and Vulnerable Sector Advocacy_249
- COH4_Medium Sized Communities transformative interventions in homelessness Initiating A National Dialogue_305
COH5 Guided by Research: Promising Innovations and Neglected Areas
PVN Canadian Observatory on Homelessness – Prevention
PVN1 Preventing Youth Homelessness
- PVN1_Aftercare Support Pilot Program – Going Beyond Housing First for Youth_365
- PVN1_Pathways to Black Youth Homelessness in Ontario A Research Finding_211
PVN2 Advising Policy and Mapping Progress
- PVN2_Preventing Homelessness for Justice-Involved Individuals A Stepwise Policy Transformation Approach_205
- PVN2_Removing the Constraints on Preventing and Ending Homelessness_17
- PVN2_Strategies for Conceptualizing and Measuring Housing Stability_56
PVN3 Models and Obstacles: Promising Directions for Preventing and Ending Homelessness
- PVN3_Making Supported Housing Work for Canada’s Most Vulnerable_151
- PVN3_Mitigating barriers to safe and affordable housing among Black communities in British Columbia_130
PVN4 Shelter Diversion and Eviction Prevention
HCH Health Care and Homelessness
HCH1 Finding a Better Way – A Harm Reduction Approach
- HCH1_An Integrated Care Model Across A Community-Based Managed Alcohol Program And Hospital-Based Addiction Services_115
- HCH1_Effectively Supporting Unhoused Individuals who use Crystal Meth_331
- HCH1_Increasing Accessibility of Integrated Mental Health and Addictions Care for Youth_118
HCH2 Probing the Pandemic to Save Lives
HCH3 Empowering Communities: Integrated Health Care Partnerships
- HCH3_How municipal government can be a leader in homeless health care An account from Peel Region_219
- HCH3_Sioux Lookout – Our Journey Towards Ending Homelessness_99
HCH4 Youth At the Crossroad of Substance Use, Health Care, and Homelessness
- HCH4_Addressing Youth Homelessness and Recovery through a Harm Reduction Lens_69
- HCH4_Where’s the disconnect Exploring pathways to healthcare coordinated for youth experiencing homelessness in Toronto, Canada_157
- HCH4_Youth Substance Use Program Provides Dignity to Young People Who Use Substances_240
HCH5 Resurfacing an Uneven Path – Solutions to Transitions in Care
HF Housing First
HF1 Adapting Housing First to Address the Needs of Different Populations
- HF1_Examining harm reduction in Housing First for youth experiencing homelessness and concurrent mental health and substance use issues_20
- HF1_Female Participants and Housing First A Qualitative Analysis of Outcomes at 18-months in a Randomized Controlled Trial_27
HF2 Challenges to Scaling Up and Innovations in Housing First Practices
HF3 Strategies for Sustaining Tenancies in Housing First Programs
- HF3_Managing Risky Behaviours and Challenges to Prevent Housing Loss in Permanent Supportive Housing_51
- HF3_Outcomes of Housing First Implemented in a Rural Canadian Community_81
- HF3_The Next Step; supporting your client’s self autonomy_215
HF4 Innovative Practices in Housing First Programs
- HF4_Furniture Banks – Choice, Growth, and Sustainability_267
- HF4_Measuring for Success Creating Your Own Housing First Data Dashboard_64
- HF4_Utilizing the Team Lead to Optimize Housing First Services a how to guide_269
HF5 Using Fidelity Assessment to Improve the Outcomes of Housing First Programs: A Mini-Workshop
HF6 The Canadian Housing First Network, Community of Interest
IEH Improving Equity in Homeless Systems
IEH1 Realizing the Right to Housing for Gender Diverse-Peoples
- IEH1_Ensuring Housing Justice for Two-Spirit Trans and Non-Binary People in Canada Recommendations for Homelessness Prevention and Community Action_107
- IEH1_Five Arguments for Trans Inclusion in the Homelessness Sector_31
- IEH1_Partnerships for Success Organizing for 2SLGBTQIA Safety and Possibility_265
IEH2 Being Agents of Change for Equity Seeking Groups
- IEH2_Breaking broken systems How to change systems that are causing homelessness_208
- IEH2_Equity in Action Innovative Solutions for BIPOC Youth Homelessness_206
- IEH2_Indigenizing Knowledge Gathering and Data Collection_110
IEH3 Data for Increased Equity and Impact
IH Indigenous Homelessness
IH1 What’s Working in Different Places? Change Rooted in Culture
- IH1_Building up from Built For Zero_11
- IH1_Housing First Collective Approach Exploring Maori and Pasefika Indigenous ways to tackling Homelessness in New Zealand Aotearoa_75
IH2 Collaboration and Culture: Indigenous Assessment Tools
IH3 Prevention and Resurgence: Indigenous Service Delivery
IH4 For Us – By Us: Indigenous Supportive Housing Programs
IH5 Truths and Homelessness
LCM Leadership, Improvement and Change Management
LCM1 System Transformation and Performance Management
- LCM1_Building Agile Foundations for Effective Systems-Level Performance Management in Addressing Homelessness_279
- LCM1_Empowering Change Unleashing the Potential of Integrated Governance_394
LCM2 Finding Housing Opportunities Through Community Housing
- LCM2_Homelessness to RGI with Enhanced Home Help Supports_154
- LCM2_Proactive Strategies and Collaborative Solutions Transforming Approaches to Community Housing to Prevent and End Homelessness_335
- LCM2_Testing Solutions in Testing Times_387
LCM3 Governance Approaches Towards Ending Homelessness
- LCM3_Building Stronger Communities How Municipalities Can Drive Systems Planning and Integration to End Homelessness_323
- LCM3_Making Multi-Governance Models Work_351
LCM4 Leaders – Supporting Yourselves & Your Workforce
- LCM4_Actionable Solutions for Improving Trauma-Informed Supports for Homeless Service Community Leaders_108
- LCM4_Rediscovering the Workplace – Creating a Person-Centred Culture_349
LCM5 From NIMBY to YIMBY (Yes, In My Back Yard!)
- LCM5_Building momentum for action Guelph-Wellington’s journey to create supportive housing and shift NIMBY to YIMBY_357
- LCM5_From NIMBY to YIMBY A Case Study on Effective Community Engagement_248
- LCM5_Supportive Housing Design for Community Acceptance_137
LCM6 Housing Focused Shelter, Bridge Housing, and Hybrid Transition-in-Place Supportive Housing
LCM7 Successful Landlord Engagement
- LCM7_Landlord Partnership Program_63
- LCM7_Unlocking the Private Market – A Strategy for Landlord Participation_50
- LCM7_Unpacking the Key Ingredients for Successful Landlord Partnerships in a Close-Knit Community Strategies for Engagement and Retention_102
LCM8 Seeing homelessness differently: innovative initiatives in Quebec
LE Lived Experience
LE1 Strategic Perspectives on Building Lived Experience Advisories
- LE1_Collaborative and community-informed development How to build an Advisory group with People who have Lived Experience_247
- LE1_Highlights from Kitchener’s Lived Expertise Working Group_234
LE2 Canadian Lived Experience Leadership Network Presents: Seven Principles of Engagement and Inclusion of People With Lived Experience
LE3 From Insights to Action: Lived Experience at the Forefront of Housing Solutions
- LE3_Astum Api Niikinaahk – It Takes a Village_162
- LE3_The Importance of Lived Experienced Leadership within the Housing Sector and how to provide leadership to People with lived experience_229
LE4 Sharing peer knowledge for systems change: Across the education and housing systems
- LE4_Homeless by Degrees Invisibilizing Social Condition
- LE4_Living Experiences of Post-secondary Student Homelessness mobilizing despair and hope from post-secondary students across Canada_131
- LE4_PeerConnectTO – A pilot program with Tenants changing the landscape in Canadian Supportive Housing_76
LE5 Designing for Equity in Homelessness Solutions: Tools for transformation
- LE5_Community Engagement Matrix for LivedLiving Experience Circles_261
- LE5_Coordinated Access A Grassroots Investigation of a Municipal Response to Homelessness in Ontario_216
- LE5_Designing for Equity Centering Lived Experience in Coordinated Entry System Transformation_203
LE6 From Extractive to Empowering: Redefining Storytelling and Narrative in the Housing Landscape
- LE6_245-Stories for Transformation Self-determination in Sharing Lived and Living Experiences and Expertise_245
- LE6_From Roots to Home Visualizing the journey from homelessness to housing in mid-size cities_199
- ‘Wow, we got that one!’: LECoH, a Lived Experience-led initiative participating in grassroots advocacy that your community can model to accelerate ending homelessness._148
LE7 Power and place: amplifying voices for housing justice
- LE7_Prison A Homelessness Factory_19
- LE7_Provider Stigma The Culture of Professionalism and Wounded Healing_336
LE8 Beyond a seat at the table: Making engagement meaningful
NS Nova Scotian Local Content
NS1 The Unintended Consequences of Population and Economic Growth
NS2 Downtowns and Main Streets: The Role of Business Improvement Districts in Addressing Homelessness
NS3 Animal Welfare and the Impacts of Housing
NS4 African Nova Scotian Experiences with Homelessness
NS5 Climate Change, Poverty and Homelessness
PG Paula Goering Memorial Scholarship
RRH Rural, Remote, and Northern Homelessness
RRH1 Housing Development Initiatives in Rural Communities
- RRH1_From a Community Coalition to Housing First, Transitional Housing and Tiny Homes – Rural Solutions to Youth Homelessness_299
- RRH1_Hope Haven – A Way Forward_52
- RRH1_Housing Innovation in Rural Ontario Small Homes Big Impacts_82
RRH2 Collaboration and Innovation in Addressing Rural Homelessness
RRH3: Definitions & Data in Rural and Remote Homelessness
- RRH3_Homeless No More A Community Development Process for Ending Rural Homelessness_168
- RRH3_Housing on the Homeland Our story_114
- RRH3_Making homelessness visible through definitions Strategies towards a Remote, Rural and Small Town Definition of Homelessness_230
RRH4 Initiating Dialogues About Rural Homelessness
RRH5 Thinking Outside the Box – Redefining Emergency Shelters in Rural and Remote Communities
RTH Realizing the Right to Housing
RTH1 Ending the Criminalization of Homelessness: A Human Rights Approach to Encampments, Homelessness, and the Crisis of Drug Poisoning
- RTH1_An Advocate-Led Review on Human right issues identified in encampments and informal dwellings_361
- RTH1_Prohibition must be abolished Addressing the dual crises of drug poisoning and homelessness_315
RTH2 Those Who Aren’t Counted Don’t Count: Improving Measurement of Inadequate Housing and Homelessness
- RTH2_Core Housing Need What it is and why it matters_358
- RTH2_Homelessness Counts Accounting for homelessness when understanding housing need_360
- RTH2_Those Who Aren’t Counted Don’t Count improving measurement of inadequate housing and homelessness_172
RTH4 Claiming the Right to Housing: Case Studies from Affected Communities
- RTH4_Denied Renting – Lived Experiences of Rental Discrimination_270
- RTH4_Stark Truths Advancing Indigenous-Led Housing Solutions in Northern, Remote Communities_379
- RTH4_Successful models for diverting refugee claimants from homelessness examples from community organizations in Montreal and Ottawa_377
RTH5 Preventing Evictions: Rent Banks, Activism, and Access to Justice
RTH6 Aligning the National Housing Strategy with the right to adequate housing and a human rights-based framework
RUH Responding to Unsheltered Homelessness
RUH1 Shifting Policy and Adapting By-Law Responses to Unsheltered Homelessness
- RUH1_Mobilizing Enforcement for an Empathetic Approach_173
- RUH1_Penticton’s By-Law Response to Unsheltered Homelessness_182
- RUH1_Shifting Away from Police Interventions with Unsheltered Persons evidence from Montreal_25
RUH2 Improving Responses to Unsheltered Homelessness
- RUH2_Changing Law Enforcement Response to Homelessness_91
- RUH2_Shelter services without walls_213
- RUH2_Violence and Restrictions in Emergency Shelter Systems The Hidden Pathway into Unsheltered Homelessness_67
RUH3 Community Responses to Unsheltered Homelessness
RUH4 Coordinated Community Responses to Ending Homelessness for People in Encampments
- RUH4_Building Bridges How to Coordinate an Informed Response_339
- RUH4_Creating a Continuum of Community Integration, Collaboration & Practice_36
- RUH4_Encampments as Catalysts for Innovative Partnerships and Accelerated Housing Solutions_288
RUH5 The Power of Public Libraries in Ending Homelessness
- RUH5_Hfx ID Project Low-Barrier ID Clinic Model_260
- RUH5_Supporting Vulnerable Populations in Public Libraries_35
- RUH5_The de facto day shelter public library services for customers experiencing homelessness_92
RUH6 Evolving Approaches in BC’s 2023 Point-in-Time Homeless Counts
TT Training and Technical Assistance
TT1 – Training is Essential in the Homeless Serving Sector
- Training to End Homelessness: Literally at Your Fingertips with Wally Czech, CAEH
- Kawegehanowak/Together, We Will House Them: Lived and living expert-led housing first training with Salma Osman, Youth advisory group; Rosemary Fayant, Homeward Trust Edmonton
VH Veterans Homelessness
VH1 Veteran Housing and Support Models
- VH1_Housing First is a Fit for Veterans Veteran specific application of an evidenced based and proven model_389
- VH1_Table d’Action Anciens Militaires Itinérance (TAAMI) Union fait la Force!_306
- VH1_Veterans House the Andy Carswell Building – A Case Study_13
VH2 Federal Veteran Homelessness Programs and Policy
- VH2_Federal policies to address veteran homelessness at a national level_28
- VH2_The Government of Canada’s Veteran Homelessness Program_364
- VH2_VAC Homelessness Response369
VH3 Communities That Have Ended Veteran Homelessness
VH4 State of Veteran Homelessness in Canada and National Veteran Organizations Working to End Veteran Homelessness
WH Women’s Homelessness
WH1 Gender-Sensitive Approaches to Housing and Supports – New Horizons & Promising Practices
- WH1_Developing a Safer Drug Use Space in a Low-barrier Drop-in Program for Women, Trans and Non-Binary People at YWCA Hamilton_237
- WH1_Intersections Between Homelessness and Women with Animals Experiencing Gender-Based Violence ACT To Keep Families Safe_156
- WH1_Responding to pregnancy and homelessness through temporary housing and wrap-around supports_286
WH2 Gender-Based Violence and Homelessness – Where do we go from here?
- WH2_Breaking the Connections Emergency Planning, Gender-based Violence and Women’s Homelessness_312
- WH2_Supporting Tenants Experiencing Gender-Based Violence_183
WH3 Exits from Homelessness & Homelessness Prevention for Women & Gender-Diverse People
- WH3_How to Create and Maintain a Lived Advisory Framework That Leads the Way_244
- WH3_Safe at Home A Gender Transformative Homelessness Prevention Intervention for Women and Families_251
WH4 Gender & Homelessness – Unique Approaches to Enduring cHALLENGES
*If you were a CAEH23 presenter and notice that your presentation is not included in this archive, please email a PDF copy with your full name and the title of your presentation to