
Canada makes historic commitment to ending chronic homelessness in Throne Speech
September 23, 2020

The Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness applauds the federal government’s commitments to homelessness, affordable housing, addressing systemic racism, and Indigenous housing —as well as support for women and measures to address the opioid crisis and boost mental health supports.   Today’s Speech from the Throne included an historic commitment to … More

Encampment webinar series with OrgCode Consulting
September 11, 2020

OrgCode Consulting and the Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness are hosting a free webinar series on encampments, covering outreach, response, and assessment. Register for the upcoming webinars here. We will update recordings to this page. Pressures from both the pandemic and housing crisis have led to a rise in encampments … More

Bright Spot: Despite flooding and a pandemic, Fort McMurray reduces chronic homelessness
August 20, 2020

Amid a global pandemic, Fort McMurray faced evacuation orders when a freak flood hit the community hard. It still wasn’t enough to stop the Built for Zero Canada community from achieving chronic and veteran homelessness By-Name Lists and Reaching Home quality Coordinated Access. This blog is a part of our … More

Nanos Poll: Majority of Canadians believe it’s urgent to end homelessness
August 12, 2020

In new Nanos Research poll on homelessness and housing, over 8 in 10 Canadians say they support or somewhat support investing in new affordable housing as part of pandemic recovery As eviction moratoriums lift across the country and pandemic recovery plans develop, many people face the risk of losing their … More

Bright Spot: Toronto houses over 1,300 people through its COVID-19 response
July 30, 2020

One of the largest and densest cities in Canada remained housing focused as it responded to the global pandemic, alleviating what could have been a catastrophic loss of life among people experiencing homelessness. This blog is a part of our Bright Spot series highlighting outstanding work in ending homelessness happening … More

Bright Spot: Communities integrate focus on ending homelessness as part of their COVID-19 response
July 23, 2020

In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, 33 Built for Zero Canada communities from seven provinces and 1 territory share their successes and commitments to remaining mission-focused on ending chronic and veteran homelessness at the June Built for Zero Canada Virtual Learning Session. This blog is a part of our … More

New CAEH report details affordable, achievable path for ending homelessness out of Canada’s COVID-19 recovery
July 16, 2020

Report details measures to create 500,000 jobs, save billions of dollars, and end homelessness Canada can solve homelessness by 2030 if it implements the Recovery for All (RFA) campaign’s 6-point plan, according to the report, Recovery for All: Proposals to Strengthen the National Housing Strategy and End Homelessness released today. … More

CAEH shares pandemic response and recovery toolkit for the homelessness sector
July 8, 2020

The Pandemic Response and Recovery Toolkit for Homeless System Leaders in Canada was created to support leaders through the next steps of their community’s response and recovery for both people experiencing homelessness and in supported housing programs.   As COVID-19 gripped the country in March, communities across Canada adjusted their … More

The State of Women’s Housing Need & Homelessness in Canada report released today
June 25, 2020

The State of Women’s Housing Need & Homelessness in Canada report uncovers women’s experience of homelessness and shines a spotlight on the specific challenges they face. It recommends 8 key opportunities to address the gaps.   The number of women experiencing homelessness in Canada is dramatically underestimated. It is made … More

Bright Spot: Peel houses over 287 people during COVID-19 pandemic
June 11, 2020

‘Progress over perfection’: Peel Regional Housing Services launched a housing pilot at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, securing 70 units from two landlords and housing 287 individuals and families out of shelter and off the streets. This blog is a part of our Bright Spot series highlighting outstanding work … More