
Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness Statement of Solidarity with Black Lives Matter
June 4, 2020

We can and must do better. Black Lives Matter.   This week in Hamilton, Ontario, anti-racism protesters said: “This isn’t just a reaction to a single issue. This is a reaction to a whole system of violence. This isn’t just happening in the States, it’s happening here too. We are … More

CAEH launches national Recovery for All Campaign to end homelessness, once and for all
May 26, 2020

Today we launch Recovery for All, a national advocacy campaign led by the CAEH, asking Canadians to encourage Parliament to make bold investments in housing, homelessness and income support to end homelessness in Canada, once and for all. Will you join us?   We are fighting for an end to … More

Bright Spot: Chatham-Kent positions its COVID-19 shelter as a path to housing
May 14, 2020

Chatham-Kent has adapted to COVID-19 with an isolation shelter and new prioritization measures to move people quickly into housing. This blog is a part of our Bright Spot series highlighting outstanding work in ending homelessness happening across Canada.   Amid a global health pandemic, Chatham-Kent is using its COVID-19 shelter … More

CAEH releases new guide to help communities with housing-based responses to COVID-19
May 5, 2020

CAEH develops new resource guide, “Getting Back to Housing” to help communities maintain progress on ending homelessness amid the COVID-19 pandemic.   Housing cures homelessness and is the best protection against COVID-19.    During the COVID-19 pandemic, coordinating quick access to housing is more important than ever. That’s why the … More

CAEH reschedules 2020 National Conference on Ending Homelessness
April 22, 2020

The CAEH is postponing the 2020 National Conference on Ending Homelessness to allow participants and Alliance partners to focus on responding to the pandemic. Please mark your calendars for CAEH21 in Toronto November 3-5, 2021.   As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread and profoundly impact people experiencing homelessness, communities, … More

The best protection against COVID-19 is a home
April 15, 2020

As communities rush to protect homeless people from a global pandemic, they are putting in place critical emergency responses. Shelters and hotels can provide a measure of short-term protection, but they are all at best a stop-gap measure. People experiencing homelessness are at dramatically elevated risk from COVID-19 because they … More

Call to Action: Women’s network calls for urgent measures during COVID-19 pandemic
April 7, 2020

The Women’s National Housing & Homelessness Network is urging all levels of government to implement nine measures to protect women, girls, children and gender-diverse peoples experiencing homelessness and domestic violence during the COVID-19 pandemic. Women’s homelessness in Canada was already a crisis before this pandemic. Now more than ever, women, … More

Bright Spot: Resilience in the face of the coronavirus pandemic
March 31, 2020

Communities across Canada grappling with the COVID-19 outbreak are also rising to the challenge of keeping people safe. So many people on the front lines of the homelessness crisis are taking inspiring actions and leading the way through this pandemic. This blog is a part of our Bright Spot series … More

Register for two upcoming webinars on COVID-19 April 1 and 2
March 26, 2020

The Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness and its partners are putting together free webinars to boost efforts against the COVID-19 outbreak. Join us for upcoming webinars related to harm reduction and a COVID-19 response to people experiencing unsheltered homelessness. Register today for two upcoming COVID-19 response webinars: COVID-19 Response for … More

CAEH calls for urgent provincial & local support for homelessness sector on COVID-19
March 20, 2020

Media Release: Emergency shelters and housing providers are not receiving the support they need from local and provincial authorities fast enough to keep vulnerable people safe from the COVID-19 pandemic. People experiencing homelessness are at high risk from COVID-19, are unable to take routine preventative measures like self-isolation to protect … More