Lived Experience – LE

LE1: Revisioning the Principles of Engagement and Inclusion of People with Lived Experience of Homelessness – Session One

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PDF Presentation – Michelle Bilek, Peel Alliance to End Homelessness, Alex Nelson, Community Outreach Coordinator
National Right to Housing Network, Debbie McGraw, Co-Chair, Canadian Lived Experience Leadership Network

LE2: Revisioning the Principles of Engagement and Inclusion of People with Lived Experience of Homelessness – Session Two

PDF Presentation – Michelle Bilek, Peel Alliance to End Homelessness, Alex Nelson, Community Outreach Coordinator
National Right to Housing Network, Debbie McGraw, Co-Chair, Canadian Lived Experience Leadership Network

LE3: Pathways Forward: Integrating People with Lived Experience of Homelessness in Program Development

3 Challenges & 10 Recommendations to Integrate PWLE in Program Development, Katie Price, Harm Reduction, Operation Come Home

Mentor/Mentee Canada and Peer House Toronto’s Template for PWLE to Become Leaders, Elizabeth Tremblay, Founder – Peer Support Trainer, Mentor/Mentee Canada

LE4: Building Zero Barrier Supports: Navigating Peer Mentorship as a Person with Lived Experience of Homelessness

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Working Towards Zero Barriers – How Peer Support Staff Builds Connections – Penny Siles, Peer Support Worker, The Alex Community Health Centre; David Fraser, Peer Support Worker, The Alex

Peer Shelter Support Workers: An Implementable Model that was Successful – Maria Doumanas, Peer Shelter Support Program Coordinator, PARC; Patrick Brennan, Peer Shelter Support Worker, Parkdale Activity Recreation Centre & Peer Shelter Support Program

Navigating the Journey from Lack of Housing to Becoming a Peer Mentor and a Staff who is also a PWLE – Alana Jones, Director Housing Access and Support Services, Fred Victor Housing; Robb Johannes, Health Promotions Specialist / Board Member, Fred Victor / CAEH (LE4 – Alana Jones – Navigating the Journey)

LE5: Youth Voices: Turning Listening into Meaningful Action

The “Queer Agenda” As A Means Of Peer Programming To Reduce 2SLGBTQ+ Homelessness – Jesse Vacarciuc, Project Lead, 360Kids

Rethinking Expertise: Young People and the Power of Lived Experience – Antoine Lovell, Provost Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Pennsylvania

Using Youth Voice and Expertise to Build a Program for Peer Housing in a Pandemic – Tessa Mulcair, Manager of Shelter, YESS;Alice Mwemera, Research and Development Supervisor, YESS; Delalie Mortotsi, Supportive Home and Services Manager, YESS

LE6: Transformative Shelter Models: Centring First Voice Experiences of Homelessness in Shelter Operations

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What Must Change? Centring a Lived Experience Perspective – Leo Moose, Lived Experience, Northern Social Work Program, University of Manitoba; C. Lee Anne Deegan, Acting Director, Northern Social Work Program, University of Manitoba

Squeegee Punks Reunite: Safe Streets for All – Sam Blondeau, MA Criminology Student , MA Criminology student, Ontario Tech University

Life in Homeless Shelters in Toronto: From the Perspectives of Former Shelter Service Users and Shelter Frontline Workers – Rubina Karyar, Master of Social Work candidate, York University

LE7: Navigating Front-Line Work as a Person with Lived Experience of Homelessness

What Do We Know About the Challenges to Well-Being as PWLE Embrace Staff Roles? – Robb Johannes, Health Promotions Specialist / Board Member, Fred Victor / CAEH; Juno Zavitz, Program Coordinator, Breakaway Community Services

LE8: Cultivating a Culture that Promotes Lived Experience Leadership

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Service User Engagement in System Planning in Toronto – Tarik Bacchus, Manager, Covid Transition & Relocation Shelter, Support and Housing Administration, City of Toronto; Maiesha Rahman, Toronto Shelter Network; Edward Pereira, TSN

WOW! Stories That Inspire Change – Jodi Greenstreet, Executive Director, WOW Living; Nathan Harris, TEAM Member, WOW Living; Gail Smart, Advocate, WOW Living

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