A Way Home – Youth Homelessness Prevention – AWH

AWH1: Investing in Early and Upstream Efforts to Prevent Youth Homelessness

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Early Intervention with Youth Connected to the Justice SystemNick Blouin, Manager Programs and Partnerships, Homeward Trust Edmonton; Andrea Kocken, Supervisor, YMCA of Northern Alberta

Chosen Family Hosting Investing in the Adults Already in Young Peoples Lives – Mallory VanMeeter, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Jacqueline White, Executive Director, CloseKnit

‘Implementing Innovation’: Transformational Practices in Youth Homelessness Prevention –  Hart Walker, MA Sociology, PhD Candidate Sociology, Evaluation Coordinator, York University; Amanda Buchnea, Toronto Centre of Excellence, Making the Shift Inc.

AWH2: The Dynamics Around “Home” for Youth Experiencing Homelessness

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“Home is not really a place”: Young adults post-homelessness experiences of (dis)connection, identity, and belongingNaomi Thulien, MAP Centre for Urban Health Solutions, St. Michael’s Hospital

By Youth For Youth – Youth Breaking Barriers Project – Samantha Saige Lobb, Youth Homelessness Prevention and Housing Stabilization Strategy; Bonnie Harkness, 360kids Support Services

Data-Driven Innovation: A Pilot Housing Program for High-Needs Youth under 18 – Nicole Jackson, Impact & Evaluation, Trellis; Jen Hosie, The Boreal, Trellis

AWH3: The Intersectional Realities of Youth Homelessness Interventions

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Get it Right: Transitional Housing Occupancy Agreements to Support the Legal and Human Rights of Young People – Claire Millgate, Justice For Children and Youth

Youth Homelessness and Sex Trafficking in Canada – Amanda Noble, Covenant House Toronto; Ben Owens, Covenant House

Soft Landing & Rapid Re-Housing Initiative – Greg Quinn, Choices for Youth; Jolene Cooze, Choices for Youth

AWH4: At the Ground Level – Communities Investing in Youth Homelessness Prevention

The Edmonton Youth Agency Collaboration (YAC): Building a Collaborative, Strategic, System of Complex Care for Youth with Multiple Agencies – Margo Long, YESS

No Where to Go: Learnings from the Peer-Led Youth Homelessness Report in Penticton, B.C. – Jamie Lloyd-Smith, City of Penticton; Melisa Edgerly, City of Penticton 

The Jeunes+ Coalition – Cécile Arbaud, Jeunes + Coalition; Mélodie Cordeau, Dans la rue 

AWH5: Research Underpinning Making the Shift

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Reflective Practice in Homelessness Research and Practice: Firsthand Experiences of Researchers and Practitioners When Working with Youth with Lived/Living Experience of HomelessnessCas Star, Canadian Observatory on Homelessness; Melanie Lusted, Canadian Observatory on Homelessness; Ahmad Bonakdar, Canadian Observatory on Homelessness

Participant Retention in Housing First for Youth Demonstration Project: Successes and Challenges – Athourina David, Canadian Observatory on Homelessness

Communities of Practice: How Consistent Opportunities for Engagement have Allowed Organizations to Capitalize on KnowledgeOrpah Cundangan, Community Animator, A Way Home Canada

AWH6: Housing First for Youth: Where Adaptations have Galvanized Efforts

Promising Findings from HF4Y Youth Homelessness Prevention Interventions – Cora MacDonald, Canadian Observatory on Homelessness (COH), York University

HF4Y in the Arctic – Tammy Roberts, The Side Door Ministries (Operating as Home Base Yellowknife)

You Can’t do HF4Y without FNS – Heidi Walter, A Way Home Canada; Kim Kakakaway, A Way Home Canada

AWH7: How Data and Trends can Help Us Change the Conversation!

Preventing Discharge to No Fixed Address – Youth (NFA Y) – Cheryl Forchuk, Beryl and Richard Ivey, Lawson Health Research Institute

Exploring Housing Wait Times Relevant to the Prevention and Exit from Youth Homelessness – Ann De Shalit, Ontario Tech University

Harnessing Current Trends and Youth Voices for Strategic Program DevelopmentRobyn Holmes, Connect Youth Inc.; Chelsea Anderson, Connect Youth Inc.

AWH8: Demonstrating the Flexibility of Youth Homelessness Prevention

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Implementing Prevention Programs – Successes, Challenges and Lessons Learned – Justin Sage-Passant,  Covenant House Toronto

Homelessness Prevention through a Trades-Based Enterprise – Emmy Kelly, Blue Door 

Omamoo Wango Gamik – Preventing Indigenous youth houselessness during a global pandemic – Cynthia Puddu, MacEwan University; Carola Cunningham, Niginan Housing Ventures

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