Bright Spot: London Functional Zero Veteran Homelessness—Two years in—What it is taking to sustain
December 7, 2022 - 9:00 am / News

A strong focus on prioritizing veterans and commitment to Coordinated Access is supporting this Built for Zero Canada community to sustain Functional Zero Veteran Homelessness. This blog is a part of our Bright Spot series highlighting outstanding work in ending homelessness happening across Canada. After making history as Canada’s first … More

Bright Spot: Ottawa reduces chronic homelessness by 19% through collaboration and great efforts from community partners
September 6, 2022 - 4:12 pm / News

Strong focused efforts by community partners and a Housing First approach led the City of Ottawa to a 19% reduction in chronic homelessness. This blog is a part of our Bright Spot series highlighting outstanding work in ending homelessness happening across Canada. The City of Ottawa made some targeted changes … More

Bright Spot: St. Thomas-Elgin reduces chronic homelessness by 25%
August 11, 2022 - 7:06 am / News

Community-wide efforts led to a 25% reduction in chronic homelessness in St. Thomas-Elgin. This blog is a part of our Bright Spot series highlighting outstanding work in ending homelessness happening across Canada. St. Thomas-Elgin’s unwavering focus on community-wide collaboration towards shared aims and a housing-focused approach has led them to … More

Welcoming a new Co-Chair to CAEH’s Board of Directors
June 30, 2022 - 7:42 am / News

The Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness would like to welcome Don Iveson as the newest Board Co-Chair who will be sharing chair duties with Reshmeena Lalani. We’re thrilled to have Don bring his host of experiences to the Alliance, along with a drive to end homelessness in Canada. We are … More