Leadership, Improvement and Change Management – LCM

LCM1: Leadership Amidst a Pandemic: What We Are Learning

Dr. Andrew Bond, Inner City Health Associates (Canada), Dr. Monty Gosh, Alberta Health Services (Canada), David Pearson, Australia Alliance to End Homelessness (Australia), Rick Henderson, Homeless Link (U.K.), Matt Downie, Crisis (U.K.) (LCM1 – Rick Henderson – Lessons Learned)

LCM2: Leadership in Landlord Relations

Real Estate Matters: Leadership from the Edge of Housing Insecurity, Darcy White, President, Ydenberg Properties Ltd.

Building Will Amongst Landlords, Sherwin Flight, Landlord Engagement Lead, End Homelessness St. John’s

LCM3: How to Create an Organizational Culture of Mental Health and Well Being

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What We Do for Youth, We Do for Staff, Jessica Day, Youth Empowerment & Support Services

LCM4: Leading System Change through Governance Models to End Homelessness

What Can Local Governments Do to End Homelessness? – An Australian Perspective

Iain De Jong, OrgCode, Leanne Mitchell, Brimbank City Council (Australia)

LCM5: Rising to the Challenge: A Panel Discussion on Re-imagining Leadership in Ending Homelessness

Anna McGregor, County of Dufferin, Jamie Rogers, Medicine Hat Community Housing Society, Susan McGee, Homeward Trust Edmonton, Dawn Wheadon, Greater Moncton Homelessness Steering Committee

LCM6: Change Leadership – Preparing to respond more effectively in rapidly changing environments

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