Allied Networks
The CAEH supports several allied networks working toward our shared mission of ending homelessness. These networks bring together different individuals, organizations and communities to raise awareness, share best and promising practices to transform local responses to homelessness and influence policy in support of ending homelessness.

The Canadian Network for the Health and Housing of People Experiencing Homelessness
CNH3 is Canada’s network to promote collaborative policy, practice and advocacy between the healthcare, homeless and housing sectors.
The Canadian Shelter Transformation Network
The Canadian Shelter Transformation Network (CSTN) is a network of homeless shelter leaders and organizations committed to becoming housing focused and taking on community leadership roles in ending homelessness. The CSTN is a peer-led network dedicated to supporting the transformation of these homeless shelters through research, training, and peer learning.

The National Alliance to End Rural and Remote Homelessness
The National Alliance to End Rural and Remote Homelessness (NAERRH) is a network of individuals and organizations focused on building and elevating a collective voice across Canada to advocate for the importance of preventing, reducing and ending homelessness in Rural and Remote communities.

The National Right to Housing Network
We are a community of people advocating for the right to housing to be included in the National Housing Strategy legislation. Together, we are seeking to provide input on legislation that recognizes and progressively realizes the right to housing to be included in the National Housing Strategy.
The Ontario Alliance to End Homelessness
The Ontario Alliance to End Homelessness (OAEH) is a network of communities, agencies, and individuals dedicated to preventing and ending homelessness in Ontario.

The Women’s National Housing and Homelessness Network
The Women’s National Housing and Homelessness Network (WNHHN) is a collective of diverse women, including those with lived expertise, who are working to eliminate homelessness and housing insecurity for women, girls, and gender-diverse peoples across Canada.

The Canadian Housing First Network
The Canadian Housing First Network – Community of Interest (CHFN-COI) assists communities across Canada to develop, evaluate, and improve Housing First (HF) programs based on the Pathways model tested, adapted, and shown to be effective in the At Home / Chez Soi Demonstration Project.
Accessible Housing Network
A collaboration of non-profit Canadian organizations advocating in support of all people in Canada, whatever their age or ability, to live as they wish, in housing that is fully accessible.